Posts from July 2006

  • Why Even One Man Teams Should Use Source Control
  • Home stretch!
  • So I Hit The Big Red Button And Went Away For Six Hours…
  • Bingo Card Creator By the Numbers
  • Cows, milk, and conversions
  • Rock On Google
  • Yahoo Advertising vs. Google Advertising
  • My Very First Customer Contact
  • Must Not Get Blinded By The Trees…
  • A Feature Before Bedtime
  • Day #11: First Page of Google
  • My conversion rate is abyssmal
  • Happy Fourth of July
  • Optimized Landing Page #1
  • Random Improvement
  • I Just Made (A) Front Page of Google
  • Some minor accounting
  • Idea for uISV Product
  • Hustling for development dollars on eBay
  • Took off nag screens
  • Nice Weekend Camping, Plans for This Week
  • Conversion Rate Steadily Improving
  • Getting Organic Search Traffic
  • Localizing
  • My first feature request
  • Getting started with eSellerate
  • The Long Tail of Search
  • My First Sale!
  • Accounting
  • Minor Niggles
  • Making AdWords Work For You
  • Oh noes!
  • Yay for iterative improvements
  • Grr, annoying hackers
  • I am really starting to hate web development
  • Aww, poor cracker…
  • 'Tis An Ill Wind Indeed…
  • Figured Out The IE Problem
  • Five Programs I Will Eventually Donate $20 To
  • If you're coming here via Google…
  • Its OK To Be Second Best
  • I'm Cash-Flow Positive
  • Another Payment Processor To Look At
  • From "Minimize CPC" to "Maximize Conversions"
  • Re-evaluating My Opinion of YSM
  • Drop-Dead Simple Update Checking
  • Lesson: Check To Make Sure You Have Uploaded The Correct Installer
  • Coolest mISV Product Ever
  • Google's Lawyers Admit To gmail Privacy Leak
  • And back to your regularly scheduled programming…
  • Legitimate Organic Searches Eclipse PPC
  • 10 minute tweaks to boost your conversion
  • On-page SEO for Small Companies
  • Minor Programming Tweaks
  • Who am I?

    My name is Patrick McKenzie (better known as patio11 on the Internets.)

    Twitter: @patio11 HN: patio11

    Bits about Money

    I also write a Bits about Money, a biweekly newsletter on the intersection of tech and finance.