OK, so I’m a wee bit early, but about 24 hours from now I’m getting on the airplane for my annual pilgrimage back to the United States. That will last until the 30th. While in principle I’m available for contact, particularly by customers, expect posting to be light-to-nonexistent and email responses to wait until the New Year. Peace be with you and your families this year and always.
Merry Christmas!
Originally written: December 18, 2006
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November Stats
Yeah, I know, I’m a wee bit late on these. But on the plus side my project at my day job is close to three months late, so if you grade me on a curve I’m almost two and a half months early… or at least thats the math I try to use with my manager.
Merry Christmas part 2
Well, I just woke up on the 26th and checked my mail, and it seems I’ve now sold 100 copies of Bingo Card Creator on the dot (since launching the program — not, regrettably, since December 1st). Yay. Aside from being great fun and a nice learning experience, thats about $1500 or so that I wouldn’t have had otherwise. Not a shabby bit of money, as my newly paid-off student loan can attest.