I’m going to try something a little bit different this week and actually schedule blog updates in advance. In addition to giving folks some indication of which days are skippable, this will help me avoid a massive crunch on this Sunday, caused by having to do all of the following: church, family time, Java bug squashing, three blog posts that I have in the queue, 3,200 word essay for a teacher-esque activity (not bingo related), my weekly volleyball game, and aquiring and enjoying Mario Galaxy. Anyhow, something had to go and God, family, Galaxy, customer satisfaction, health, and professional duty won out over timely blog updating.
Anyhow, here is the agenda for the week. All days are US time, for the convenience of the majority of my readers.
Sunday: October Stats Update & DailyBingoCards 2 weeks update
Monday: Why Google Optimizer is AdWords’ Killer App
Tuesday: Nothing. Tuesday is Heroes night.
Wednesday: Recommended Vendors for things a starting uISV needs (apologies to the three folks I promised this one to for the delay)
Thursday: SQL Optimization for Ruby on Rails
Friday: Possibly, an update on some new changes to DailyBingoCards and whether they are working well or not.