I really wanted to post how Daily Bingo Cards was doing statswise today, but probably will not have the time. (The short version: the snowflake queries are loving me and owning a top 10 spot on every possible variation of “thanksgiving bingo cards” is worth 1.5X owning the 11th spot on [thanksgiving bingo cards] itself. Don’t ask me how you can rank for a phrase that competitive in less than 2 months of work.) While I know the analysis is the really interesting bit, for the stats geeks in the audience I decided to make my website stats public in real time. Enter a Rails plugin named Sitealizer, about five minutes of work, and powie, stats for anyone.
Want to take a gander? Daily Bingo Cards stats. At the moment it should be showing search queries, referrers, and the like for about the last 24 hours. You’ll note that it is hardly as tricked out as Google Analytics (one nice feature Analytics lacks: it tells you what crawlers are hitting your site and at what rates), but it is good enough to keep me more or less honest when discussing traffic numbers.