I had been wondering what happened to the Antair guys. It appears they’re striking out for the big leagues, moving in to brand new digs and everything. Why don’t you go over to wave and congratulate them on their successes?
I remember back when Andrey was still comparing his sales to mine to see if he was on a good track. Suffice it to say that he’s since made it necessary for me to play a wee bit of catchup.
Hideho folks. I’m taking a bit of a break from progress updates on the 30 Day Sprint (not progressing as much as I wanted to but I have Saturday blocked off with a designer buddy to get some stuff together) in order to answer a common question.
Finally I got a chance to do some programming! I have worked the kinks out of my incredibly edibly basic early proof of concept of the widget functionality and have incorporated it into the live Bingo Card Creator site.