I finally killed that little permissions error (protip: if you symlink a to b, and are wondering why you can’t access a/c, a/d, and a/e despite the preferences on a, c, d, and e all being right, check to make sure you’ve chmod-ed b/. properly.)
I also did my very first push out to github, which was slightly on the painful side (Windows user — I’m used to Rails programming having its share of pain) but cleared up fairly fast. I think I’m really going to like git for source control, although since I already have a SVN repository I’ll probably keep that as my main method.
Here’s what I did: took (a particular version of) Delayed::Job and extended it so that it can accommodate multiple workers at once. You can see the details here.
Well, on the plus side, the last three days have probably been my most productive programming spring ever. On the minus side, a lot of it was spinning my wheels fighting against problems rather than making forward progress. I blame fatigue.
About a month and change ago a Japanese coworker asked me “Hey, Patrick, have you ever heard of Dropbox?” All I knew is that they were some vaguely storage-in-the-clooooooooooooooooooooooud startup, but not really the specifics. But since he and another coworker were interested in it I did some checking to tell them what they would need to press to sign up & etc. And, yep, storage in the cloud, painless backup, blah blah. So I grabbed an account for the heck of it and decided I would get around to backing up my files one of these days.