Once *again*, cron decided that it would stop deleting my Rails cached files after I upgraded to Hardy. I’m totally stumped as to why it happened — the logs say that the rf -rm happened at the scheduled times for the last two weeks, and I was able to successfully do it by sudoing into the appropriate user, but the files were still on disk and being happily served by Nginx, oblivious to the fact that Mother’s Day and Cinco de Mayo had long since passed.
Argh, I hate computers some days…
About a month and change ago a Japanese coworker asked me “Hey, Patrick, have you ever heard of Dropbox?” All I knew is that they were some vaguely storage-in-the-clooooooooooooooooooooooud startup, but not really the specifics. But since he and another coworker were interested in it I did some checking to tell them what they would need to press to sign up & etc. And, yep, storage in the cloud, painless backup, blah blah. So I grabbed an account for the heck of it and decided I would get around to backing up my files one of these days.
Three years ago, on July 1st 2006, I released version 1.0 of Bingo Card Creator. It was ugly, underfeatured, and bug-ridden. Now, it is ugly, underfeatured, and bug-ridden… with AJAX!